Menopause treatment New Port, NC - Rejuvenate Clinic

Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

The onset of menopause is marked by both physical and emotional symptoms stemming from decreasing estrogen levels. Being able to recognize common signs of menopause is key to seeking timely treatment.

Hot Flashes

One of the most well-known menopause symptoms is hot flashes - sudden feelings of warmth spreading through the body, often most pronounced on the face, neck, and chest. Hot flashes can range in intensity from mild to severe. They may be accompanied by rapid heartbeat and sweating.

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Vaginal Atrophy

As estrogen production declines, tissues in the vagina become thinner, drier, and less elastic - a condition known as vaginal atrophy. This can lead to symptoms such as vaginal dryness, itching, irritation, and painful intercourse.

Urinary Problems

Lower estrogen levels can also cause the urethra and bladder to lose tone, leading to urinary tract infections, increased urgency and frequency of urination, incontinence, and painful urination.

Emotional Changes

In addition to physical symptoms, many women going through menopause experience changes related to mood, outlook, and general frame of mind, including anxiety, irritability, depression, difficulty concentrating, memory lapses, insomnia, and lack of motivation.

Menopause Treatment Options

The good news is that with today's treatment options, menopausal symptoms can be effectively managed for an overall better quality of life. Below we overview the most common medical and lifestyle approaches.

Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy involves taking prescribed estrogen, progestogen, or a combination of both, to supplement the body's decreasing hormone production. Benefits of hormone therapy include relief from hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and prevention of bone loss. At Rejuvenate Clinic, our doctors specializing in menopause stay up to date on the latest, safest hormone preparations and treatment regimens.

Vaginal Estrogen

For women whose only bothersome menopause symptoms involve vaginal changes like dryness and discomfort, localized vaginal estrogen treatment may be recommended. This comes in the form of creams, tablets, or rings that release small doses of estrogen directly where needed.

Lifestyle Adjustments

In conjunction with medical therapy, lifestyle measures can provide added relief from menopausal symptoms. These include:

Table 1 compares different treatment options for managing menopause:

Treatment Description Pros Cons
Hormone therapy Taking prescribed estrogen ± progestogen Effectively relieves hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal atrophy; prevents bone loss Potential side effects; not suitable for some medical conditions
Vaginal estrogen Localized creams, tablets or rings Treats vaginal dryness and discomfort Doesn't help other systemic symptoms like hot flashes or mood changes
Lifestyle changes Avoiding triggers, dressing in layers, staying active, reducing stress No side effects; empowers self-management Less effective than medical options for some symptoms

Seek relief from menopausal symptoms today.

When to Seek Treatment

The North American Menopause Society recommends consulting a menopause specialist if any of the following apply:

Our exceptional menopause experts at Rejuvenate Clinic offer compassionate, evidence-based care tailored to each woman's unique needs and health profile. We help diagnose the root causes of your symptoms and craft custom treatment plans - whether that involves hormones, lifestyle changes, alternative therapies, or a combination.

Diagnosing Menopause

Accurately assessing menopause stage is key for determining appropriate, timely treatment. Here is an overview of how our endocrinologist menopause specialists methodically evaluate hormone balance:

History and Physical

The first step is a thorough history, including:

This is followed by a comprehensive physical exam, including a gynecologic assessment where indicated.

Lab Testing

Blood and sometimes urine or saliva samples are collected to directly measure hormone levels. Key lab tests include:

Serial testing is often needed to demonstrate trends. We provide convenient in-house collection and rapid results. Based on the clinical picture, we may check additional hormones like DHEA, cortisol, or antral follicle count.

At Rejuvenate Clinic, our exceptional menopause specialists combine thorough evaluations with leading-edge diagnostics for accurate menopause staging and treatment planning.

Getting Started with Treatment

Once any underlying issues are detected and the root cause of bothersome menopausal symptoms identified, we thoughtfully discuss options for relief and improved well-being. Here is an overview of starting hormone therapy:

Choosing the Best Delivery Method

Hormones can be administered via pills, skin patches/gels, vaginal rings/tablets/creams, shots, implants, or intrauterine devices. The route that is safest and most convenient depends on the specific woman's health profile and preferences.

Our holistic menopause doctors help patients weigh the pros and cons of each method to optimize adherence and outcomes on an individual basis. We offer on-site teaching for self-administered options like patches, gels, and vaginal preparations.

Finding the Optimal Dose

When initiating menopause treatment, the mantra "start low, go slow" applies. We determine the minimal doses needed to effectively manage symptoms without oversuppressing the body's own hormone production. Follow-up is scheduled every 3 months to monitor progress and tolerance, with lab testing guiding dose titration. Too high a dose confers no added benefit but does increase health risks.

Monitoring Safety

While research shows hormones are safe for most healthy women under age 60 when used judiciously, we still regularly assess for potential side effects at follow-up visits. Vital signs, labs, and breast exams play a role, along with open-ended questions to elicit any new symptoms. We also check interactions with new medications reported by patients.

Support for Success

Our collaborative approach also means supporting women in making any helpful lifestyle adjustments - from eating better to reducing stress to improving sleep habits. We provide nutrition advice, workshops, behavioral health referrals, and more so patients have all the tools they need to feel their best during menopause and beyond.

At Rejuvenate Clinic, we empower women to make informed decisions about managing menopause while expertly monitoring for safety and efficacy throughout treatment.

Seek relief from menopausal symptoms today.

Innovations in Menopause Care

Exciting advances are occurring in the field of menopause medicine, giving women more options for relief than ever before. A few highlights:

Extended-Release Estradiol

Newer extended-release estradiol preparations maintain more consistent estrogen levels compared to older oral tablets. This results in fewer breakthrough symptoms between doses plus lower rates of side effects.

Customized Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones - created from plant compounds to perfectly match human hormones - can now be customized to precisely meet each woman's needs based on symptoms, labs, genotype, lifestyle, and more.

Intravaginal Laser Therapy

Laser therapy represents a non-hormonal alternative for improving vaginal tissue architecture to address symptoms like dryness and pain. A course of three brief in-office sessions has been shown effective.

Mind-Body Programs

From acupuncture to hypnosis to mindfulness meditation, evidence is growing that mind-body modalities can meaningfully improve menopause-related quality of life. We help patients access these services.

Rejuvenate Clinic stays current on the latest research and technologies to provide the most progressive menopause care options. Our goal is always to meet women where they are with flexible, personalized care.

Rejuvenate Clinic - Transforming Menopause Journeys

Rejuvenate Clinic is a premier hormone clinic led by top board-certified endocrinologists and obstetrician-gynecologists specializing in menopause. Below we highlight why patients seeking expert menopause treatment choose our practice:

Customized Treatment Plans

We don't take a "one size fits all" approach, instead crafting individualized care aligned with each woman's specific symptoms, lab results, health profile, preferences, and goals. This includes artfully combining hormones, lifestyle strategies, integrative medicine, emotional support, and the latest scientific advances as needed.

Compassionate, Empowering Care

Our outstanding providers build confidence through education and open communication. We make sure patients understand their options, expected outcomes, and potential side effects so they can make informed choices. Warm personalities and no-judgment attitudes encourage questions.

Convenience and Continuity

The ability to handle GYN exams, imaging, labs, procedures, specialty referrals, and pharmacy under one roof minimizes hassles. Patients also appreciate developing long-term relationships with trusted providers from perimenopause through postmenopause.

Leading-Edge Technology

From electronic health record portals to rapid diagnostics to telemedicine visits, we leverage cutting-edge tools to enhance care quality, coordination, access, and efficiency. State-of-the-art testing and options for hormone delivery are also available.


At Rejuvenate Clinic, we understand the challenges women face during menopause and are dedicated to providing comprehensive, personalized care. Our team of experienced specialists takes the time to listen to your concerns, evaluate your unique situation, and develop a tailored treatment plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.

We offer a range of treatment options, including hormone therapy, vaginal estrogen, lifestyle modifications, and innovative approaches like laser therapy and mind-body programs. Our goal is to help you manage your menopausal symptoms effectively and improve your overall quality of life.

If you or someone you know is struggling with menopausal symptoms, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with our compassionate and knowledgeable team. Together, we can explore the best course of action and embark on a journey towards a more comfortable and fulfilling menopause experience.

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